React JS

Training Mode Regular Fastrack Crash
Classroom | Online 45 Days

(M,W,F or T,T,S Class)

(3 Class in a week)

25 Days

(Monday to Friday Class)

(5 Class in a week)

15 Days

(Monday to Friday Class)

(5 Class in a week 1:30 hour duration)

React JS is a library of JS. It is used to create a spa(Single Page Application) which is demanded in the market nowadays. This course is specially designed for those who want to be front-end developers or want to update profiles in web design. By learning React you can get a handsome salary in the company because React JS is mostly used for big projects some example: cardekho, Netflix, etc.

Course Content : 
ES6 Concepts
  • Arrow Function
  • Map
  • Object.keys
  • Destructuring
  • let,const,var
  • ...(Spread Operator or Transpiler)
  • backticks (``)
  • Class and Objects
  • Inheritance
  • bind()
  • this keyword
React Introduction
  • Introduction to React
  • Why React ?
  • Virtual DOM
  • npm,npx,yarn
  • Basic CMD Commands for React
  • React Installation
  • React Folder Structure
  • Running React App
Components In React
  • Significance of component architecture
  • Types of Components
  • Functional Component
  • Class Component
  • Component Composition
  • state
  • props
  • default export & named export component
  • Introduction to Component Life Cycles
  • ComponentDidMount
  • ComponentDidUpdate
React Router
  • Overview & Installation of React Router
  • How to use in Project
  • Nested Routing
React Bootstrap
  • React Bootstrap Installation & Setup
  • Working with React Bootstrap Components
Styling React Components
  • Styled Components Overview
  • Advantage of using styled components
  • work with styled components
Working with API calls
  • Api overview
  • fetch
  • axios
Working with Form and Events
  • Working with Forms
  • Events (keyup,click etc.)
  • this.bind
  • Arrow function
Code Splitting
  • What is code splitting
  • Why do you need code splitting
  • React.lazy
  • Suspense
  • Route-based code splitting
Context Api
  • Introduction to Context API
  • When to Use Context
  • Create Context
  • Context.Provider
  • Context.Consumer
  • Reading Context in Component
React Hooks
  • What are Hooks
  • Why do you need hooks
  • Different types of hooks
  • useState()
  • useEffect()
  • useContext()
  • useDispatch()
  • useSelector()
  • useReducer()
Redux & React Redux
  • Introduction to Redux
  • Why Redux
  • Redux Principles
  • Installation of Redux ,React-Redux
  • CreateStore,Action,Dispatch
  • Understand higher order component
  • Understanding mapStateToProps and mapDispatchtToProps usage

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We always believe on quality training that’s why we have put limited batch size. Because we often feel that some students prefer small batch size. Our limited batch size provides personal attention, better results, enhance learning, focus on learning and many more also.
Our Instructors are highly professional. All our instructors are passionate about delivering student achievement and learning outcomes. Next-G classes is one of few institutes in all across country that’s aim is to provide high quality learning experience.
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One year free class retake facility provides an opportunity to retake class at No Cost as per your convenience. Because at our institute our aim is to enhance the concepts of every student’s, after provide in-depth knowledge of every software’s, languages etc.

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