Training Mode | Regular | Fastrack | Crash |
Classroom | Online | 45 Days (M,W,F or T,T,S Class) (3 Class in a week) |
25 Days (Monday to Friday Class) (5 Class in a week) |
15 Days (Monday to Friday Class) (5 Class in a week 1:30 hour duration) |
Overview of MongoDB and its features
Comparison of SQL and NoSQL databases
Installation and setup of MongoDB
Document-oriented data model
Designing schemas and collections
Embedded documents and referencing
Data modeling best practices
Inserting documents
Querying documents using the MongoDB Query Language (MQL)
Updating and deleting documents
Working with arrays and sub-document
Indexing concepts and types in MongoDB
Creating and managing indexes
Query optimization techniques
Understanding explain() and query profiling
Overview of the MongoDB Aggregation Framework
Pipeline stages and operators
Grouping, sorting, and projecting data
Aggregation pipeline optimization
Replication in MongoDB (Primary-Secondary architecture)
Configuring replica sets and synchronization
Sharding concepts and architecture
Scaling horizontally with sharded clusters
User authentication and authorization
Role-based access control (RBAC)
Encryption and SSL/TLS for secure communication
Security best practices and common vulnerabilities
Backup strategies and methods
Point-in-time recovery and snapshots
Configuring and managing backups
Data migration and import/export operations
MongoDB drivers and libraries for different programming languages (e.g., Node.js, Python, Java)
CRUD operations with programming languages
Working with MongoDB using an Object-Document Mapper (ODM)
Overview of MongoDB Atlas (MongoDB's cloud database service)
Deploying and managing MongoDB on the cloud
Monitoring MongoDB performance metrics
Profiling and analyzing slow queries
Performance optimization techniques
Caching and data modeling for performance
Integrating MongoDB with Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark
Performing analytics on MongoDB data
Real-time stream processing with MongoDB and Apache Kafka