Module: 1
- Importance of modular programming
- What is module
- Types of Modules – Pre defined, User defined.
- User defined modules creation
- Functions based modules
- Class based modules
- Connecting modules
- Import module
- From … import
- Module alias / Renaming module
- Built In properties of module
Module: 2 Packages
- Organizing python project into packages
- Types of packages – pre defined, user defined.
- Package v/s Folder
- py file
- Importing package
- Introduction to PIP
- Installing PIP
- Installing Python packages
- Un installing Python packages
Module: 3 OOPS
- Procedural v/s Object oriented programming
- Principles of OOP – Encapsulation , Abstraction (Data Hiding)
- Classes and Objects
- How to define class in python
- Types of variables – instance variables, class variables.
- Types of methods – instance methods, class method, static method
- Object initialization
- ‘self’ reference variable
- ‘cls’ reference variable
- Access modifiers – private(__) , protected(_), public
- AT property class
- Property() object
- Creating object properties using setaltr, getaltr functions
- Encapsulation(Data Binding)
- What is polymorphism?
Module: 4 Overriding
- Method overriding
- Constructor overriding
- Method Overloading
- Constructor Overloading
Operator Overloading
- Class re-usability
- Composition
- Aggregation
- Inheritance – single , multi level, multiple, hierarchical and hybrid inheritance and Diamond inheritance
- Constructors in inheritance
- Object class
- super()
- Runtime polymorphism
- Method overriding
- Method resolution order(MRO)
- Method overriding in Multiple inheritance and Hybrid Inheritance
- Duck typing
- Concrete Methods in Abstract Base Classes
- Difference between Abstraction & Encapsulation
- Inner classes
- Introduction
- Writing inner class
- Accessing class level members of inner class
- Accessing object level members of inner class
- Local inner classes
- Complex inner classes
- Case studies
Module: 5
Regular expressions
- Understanding regular expressions
- String v/s Regular expression string
- “re” module functions
- Match()
- Search()
- Split()
- Findall()
- Compile()
- Sub()
- Subn()
- Expressions using operators and symbols
- Simple character matches
- Special characters
- Character classes
- Mobile number extraction
- Mail extraction
- Different Mail ID patterns
- Data extraction
- Password extraction
- URL extraction
- Vehicle number extraction
- Case study
Module: 7
File &Directory handling
- Introduction to files
- Opening file
- File modes
- Reading data from file
- Writing data into file
- Appending data into file
- Line count in File
- CSV module
- Creating CSV file
- Reading from CSV file
- Writing into CSV file
- Object serialization – pickle module
- XML parsing
- JSON parsing
Module: 8
Date & Time module
- How to use Date & Date Time class
- How to use Time Delta object
- Formatting Date and Time
- Calendar module
- Text calendar
- HTML calendar
OS module
- Shell script commands
- Various OS operations in Python
- Python file system shell methods
- Creating files and directories
- Removing files and directories
- Shutdown and Restart system
- Renaming files and directories
- Executing system commands
Module: 9
Multi-threading & Multi Processing
- Introduction
- Multi-tasking v/s Multi-threading
- Threading module
- Creating thread – inheriting Thread class , Using callable object
- Life cycle of thread
- Single threaded application
- Multi-threaded application
- Can we call run() directly?
- Need to start() method
- Sleep()
- Join()
- Synchronization – Lock class – acquire(), release() functions
- Case studies
Garbage collection
- Introduction
- Importance of Manual garbage collection
- Self-reference objects garbage collection
- ‘gc’ module
- Collect() method
- Threshold function
- Case studies
Module: 10
Python Data Base Communications (PDBC)
- Introduction to DBMS applications
- File system v/s DBMS
- Communicating with MySQL
- Python – MySQL connector
- connector module
- connect() method
- Oracle Database
- Install cx_Oracle
- Cursor Object methods
- execute() method
- executeMany() method
- fetchone()
- fetchmany()
- fetchall()
- Static queries v/s Dynamic queries
- Transaction management
- Case studies
Module: 11
Python – Network Programming
- What is Sockets?
- What is Socket Programming?
- The socket Module
- Server Socket Methods
- Connecting to a server
- A simple server-client program
- Server
- Client
Module: 12
Tkinter & Turtle
- Introduction to GUI programming
- Tkinter module
- Tk class
- Components / Widgets
- Label , Entry , Button , Combo, Radio
- Types of Layouts
- Handling events
- Widgets properties
- Case studies