Industrial Training in Web Development is an immersive learning experience aimed at providing practical skills and knowledge to individuals interested in pursuing a career in web development. This training program typically involves working on real-world projects under the guidance of industry professionals and gaining hands-on experience with various web development technologies and tools.

Next-G Classes, one of the most popular technology institutes in Delhi/NCR offers an extensive Industrial training program that helps them flourishing their career. Our training program lends hand to the candidates and makes them more efficient and effective with their job.

Here’s an overview of what an Industrial Training Program in Web Development may cover at Next G Classes:

  1. HTML and CSS: Understanding the fundamentals of HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is essential for building the structure and visual presentation of websites. Training would cover topics such as creating web pages, working with different HTML elements, and applying CSS styles for layout and design.

  2. JavaScript: JavaScript is a crucial programming language for web development as it enables interactivity and dynamic behavior on websites. Training would include learning JavaScript syntax, manipulating the Document Object Model (DOM), handling events, and utilizing JavaScript frameworks like jQuery.

  3. Front-End Frameworks: Front-end frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue.js are widely used to develop complex and interactive web applications. Training might include hands-on experience with these frameworks, understanding their architecture, and building responsive user interfaces.

  4. Back-End Development: Training in web development would often cover back-end technologies like server-side programming languages (e.g., Python, PHP, or Node.js) and databases (e.g., MySQL or MongoDB). Participants might learn how to build server-side logic, interact with databases, and develop RESTful APIs.

  5. Web Application Architecture: Understanding the architecture of web applications is crucial for building scalable and maintainable systems. Training might cover topics such as client-server architecture, Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern, and server deployment strategies.

  6. Version Control: Proficiency in version control systems like Git is essential for collaborative web development. Training would include learning Git commands, branching, merging, and working with remote repositories (e.g., GitHub or Bitbucket).

  7. Web Security: An understanding of web security practices is vital to protect websites and user data from vulnerabilities and attacks. Training might cover concepts such as secure coding practices, handling user input securely, and implementing authentication and authorization mechanisms.

  8. Testing and Debugging: Training would cover techniques for testing and debugging web applications to ensure their functionality and identify and fix issues. This might include unit testing, browser developer tools, and error handling strategies.

  9. Responsive and Mobile Web Development: With the increasing use of mobile devices, training might include responsive web design techniques and frameworks like Bootstrap, as well as mobile-specific considerations such as touch events and mobile app development with frameworks like React Native or Flutter.

  10. Project Management and Collaboration: Web developers often work in teams, so training might include project management methodologies, collaboration tools like Jira or Trello, and communication best practices for effective teamwork.  


  • Maximum 3-4 students in a batch
  • Unlimited Practice session with WI FI facility and system
  • Regular, Fast Track, Weekend Training mode are available
  • Online Training Facility are available
  • 6+ years industry expert trainers will teach you
  • Live project on your desired topics or college topics
  • Training Certificate after course completion
  • Free Domain and Hosting on 6 Months summer training program