Industrial Training in AWS (Amazon Web Services) provides practical experience and knowledge in utilizing various services and features offered by AWS cloud computing platform. This training program aims to equip individuals with the skills required to design, deploy, and manage applications and infrastructure on AWS. 

Next-G Classes, one of the most popular technology institutes in Delhi/NCR offers an extensive Industrial training program that helps them flourishing their career. Our training program lends hand to the candidates and makes them more efficient and effective with their job.

Here’s an overview of what an industrial training program in AWS may cover:

  1. Introduction to AWS: Training would begin with an introduction to AWS, its services, and the fundamentals of cloud computing. Participants would learn about the AWS global infrastructure, AWS Management Console, and the basic concepts of compute, storage, and networking in AWS.

  2. AWS Core Services: Training might cover the core services of AWS, including Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) for virtual server instances, Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) for scalable object storage, and Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service) for managed databases. Participants would gain hands-on experience with these services and learn how to provision and manage resources.

  3. Networking and Security: Training would cover networking and security aspects in AWS. Participants might learn about Amazon VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) for network isolation, security groups, network ACLs (Access Control Lists), and the basics of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) for user management and access control.

  4. AWS Database Services: Training might include an overview of AWS database services such as Amazon DynamoDB (NoSQL database), Amazon RDS (relational databases), and Amazon Redshift (data warehousing). Participants would learn how to create and manage databases on AWS.

  5. AWS Storage Services: Training would cover various AWS storage services such as Amazon S3 for object storage, Amazon EBS (Elastic Block Store) for persistent block storage, and Amazon Glacier for long-term archival storage. Participants would gain hands-on experience in utilizing these services for different storage needs.

  6. Compute Services: Training might include an overview of AWS compute services, including Amazon EC2 for virtual machine instances, Amazon ECS (Elastic Container Service) for container orchestration, and AWS Lambda for serverless computing. Participants would learn how to provision and manage compute resources on AWS.

  7. AWS Deployment and Management: Training would cover various deployment and management aspects in AWS. Participants might learn about AWS CloudFormation for infrastructure as code, AWS Elastic Beanstalk for application deployment, and AWS OpsWorks for configuration management.

  8. AWS Monitoring and Logging: Training might include utilizing AWS CloudWatch for monitoring resources and applications, configuring alarms and notifications, and leveraging AWS CloudTrail for auditing and logging activities in AWS.

  9. AWS Security and Compliance: Training would cover security best practices and compliance considerations in AWS. Participants might learn about AWS security services, encryption options, and implementing secure architectures.

  10. Architecting Solutions on AWS: Training might include designing and architecting solutions on AWS, focusing on scalability, high availability, and fault tolerance. Participants might learn about designing resilient architectures using AWS services such as Auto Scaling, Elastic Load Balancing, and Amazon Route 53.


  • Maximum 3-4 students in a batch
  • Unlimited Practice session with WI FI facility and system
  • Regular, Fast Track, Weekend Training mode are available
  • Online Training Facility are available
  • 6+ years industry expert trainers will teach you
  • Live project on your desired topics or college topics
  • Training Certificate after course completion
  • Free Domain and Hosting on 6 Months summer training program