Industrial Training in Ethical Hacking provides practical experience and knowledge in identifying and addressing vulnerabilities in computer systems, networks, and applications. This training program aims to equip individuals with the skills required to assess and strengthen the security posture of organizations.

Next-G Classes, one of the most popular technology institutes in Delhi/NCR offers an extensive Industrial training program that helps them flourishing their career. Our training program lends hand to the candidates and makes them more efficient and effective with their job.

 Here’s an overview of what an industrial training program in ethical hacking may cover:

  1. Introduction to Ethical Hacking: Training would begin with an introduction to ethical hacking, its principles, and the legal and ethical considerations involved. Participants would learn about different types of hackers, hacking methodologies, and the importance of ethical hacking in securing systems.

  2. Footprinting and Reconnaissance: Training might cover techniques for gathering information about the target system or organization. Participants would learn about footprinting, scanning networks, discovering active hosts, and identifying potential vulnerabilities.

  3. Network Security: Training would include topics related to network security, including securing network devices, configuring firewalls, implementing Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) and Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS), and performing network sniffing and packet analysis.

  4. Web Application Security: Training might cover the security aspects of web applications. Participants would learn about common web application vulnerabilities, such as SQL injection, Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF), and how to identify and exploit them.

  5. Wireless Network Security: Training would include an overview of wireless network security, including the vulnerabilities associated with Wi-Fi networks and how to secure them. Participants might learn about techniques for cracking wireless encryption, securing access points, and performing wireless network assessments.

  6. Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (VAPT): Training might cover the concepts and methodologies of vulnerability assessment and penetration testing. Participants would learn how to identify vulnerabilities, exploit them, and provide recommendations for remediation.

  7. Social Engineering: Training would cover social engineering techniques, which involve manipulating individuals to gain unauthorized access to systems or sensitive information. Participants would learn about various social engineering attacks and how to mitigate them.

  8. Malware Analysis: Training might include an introduction to malware analysis techniques. Participants would learn how to analyze and dissect malware samples to understand their behavior and implement countermeasures.

  9. Incident Response and Forensics: Training might cover incident response and digital forensics techniques. Participants would learn how to respond to security incidents, collect and preserve digital evidence, and conduct forensic investigations.

  10. Legal and Ethical Considerations: Training would emphasize the legal and ethical aspects of ethical hacking. Participants would learn about legal frameworks, ethical guidelines, and the importance of obtaining proper authorization for conducting security assessments.


  • Maximum 3-4 students in a batch
  • Unlimited Practice session with WI FI facility and system
  • Regular, Fast Track, Weekend Training mode are available
  • Online Training Facility are available
  • 6+ years industry expert trainers will teach you
  • Live project on your desired topics or college topics
  • Training Certificate after course completion
  • Free Domain and Hosting on 6 Months summer training program