Industrial Training in Cloud Computing provides practical experience and knowledge in utilizing cloud computing technologies and platforms. This training program aims to equip individuals with the skills required to design, deploy, and manage cloud-based solutions.

Next-G Classes, one of the most popular technology institutes in Delhi/NCR offers an extensive Industrial training program that helps them flourishing their career. Our training program lends hand to the candidates and makes them more efficient and effective with their job.

 Here’s an overview of what an industrial training program in cloud computing may cover:

  1. Introduction to Cloud Computing: Training would begin with an introduction to the basic concepts and principles of cloud computing. Participants would learn about the benefits of cloud computing, different cloud service models (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS), and cloud deployment models (public, private, hybrid).

  2. Cloud Service Providers: Training might include an overview of popular cloud service providers such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Participants would learn about the key services and features offered by these providers.

  3. Virtualization and Containerization: Training would cover virtualization technologies such as hypervisors and virtual machines (VMs). Participants might also learn about containerization using platforms like Docker and container orchestration with Kubernetes.

  4. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): Training might include hands-on experience in provisioning and managing infrastructure resources in the cloud. Participants would learn how to set up virtual servers, storage, networks, and security groups using IaaS platforms.

  5. Platform as a Service (PaaS): Training would cover PaaS offerings that enable developers to build and deploy applications without managing the underlying infrastructure. Participants might learn how to utilize PaaS platforms for application development, integration, and deployment.

  6. Software as a Service (SaaS): Training might include an overview of SaaS applications and how to leverage them for specific business needs. Participants would gain hands-on experience in using popular SaaS applications like CRM tools, collaboration platforms, or productivity suites.

  7. Cloud Storage and Databases: Training would cover cloud storage services and databases offered by cloud providers. Participants might learn how to set up and manage scalable and durable storage solutions, as well as utilize cloud-based databases for data management and analytics.

  8. Networking and Security in the Cloud: Training might include configuring and managing virtual networks, subnets, security groups, and firewalls in the cloud. Participants would learn about network security best practices, identity and access management, and data encryption techniques.

  9. Cloud Monitoring and Management: Training would cover monitoring and managing resources in the cloud. Participants might learn how to use monitoring tools, set up alerts, track resource utilization, and optimize cloud resources for cost-efficiency.

  10. Cloud Deployment and Migration: Training might include strategies and best practices for deploying applications to the cloud and migrating existing on-premises infrastructure to the cloud. Participants would learn about architectural considerations, application containers, and continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) pipelines.


  • Maximum 3-4 students in a batch
  • Unlimited Practice session with WI FI facility and system
  • Regular, Fast Track, Weekend Training mode are available
  • Online Training Facility are available
  • 6+ years industry expert trainers will teach you
  • Live project on your desired topics or college topics
  • Training Certificate after course completion
  • Free Domain and Hosting on 6 Months summer training program