Industrial Training in Linux provides practical hands-on experience and knowledge in using and administering the Linux operating system. This training program aims to equip individuals with the skills needed to effectively work with Linux systems and perform various tasks in a professional environment.

Next-G Classes, one of the most popular technology institutes in Delhi/NCR offers an extensive Industrial training program that helps them flourishing their career. Our training program lends hand to the candidates and makes them more efficient and effective with their job.

 Here’s an overview of what an industrial training program in Linux may cover:

  1. Introduction to Linux: Training would begin with an introduction to the Linux operating system, its history, and its key features. Participants would learn about the Linux file system, command-line interface, and basic shell commands.

  2. Linux Installation and Configuration: Training might include hands-on experience in installing and configuring Linux distributions. Participants would learn about partitioning, selecting appropriate installation options, and setting up users and permissions.

  3. Linux Shell Commands: Training would cover essential Linux shell commands and utilities. Participants would learn how to navigate the file system, manage files and directories, work with text files, use pipes and redirection, and perform basic system administration tasks.

  4. User and Group Management: Training would include managing user accounts and groups in a Linux system. Participants might learn how to create and manage user accounts, assign permissions and privileges, and control access to files and resources.

  5. Linux System Administration: Training might cover system administration tasks in Linux, including managing services, configuring network settings, monitoring system performance, and troubleshooting common issues.

  6. Linux Networking: Training would cover networking concepts and configuration in Linux. Participants might learn about IP addressing, network interfaces, routing, firewall configuration, and basic network troubleshooting.

  7. Shell Scripting: Training might include the fundamentals of shell scripting in Linux. Participants would learn how to write and execute shell scripts to automate tasks, perform system administration tasks, and customize Linux environments.

  8. Package Management: Training would cover package management systems in Linux, such as RPM (Red Hat Package Manager) or DPKG (Debian Package). Participants might learn how to install, update, and remove software packages, as well as manage dependencies.

  9. Linux Security: Training might include essential Linux security concepts and practices. Participants might learn about user authentication, file permissions, access control, securing network services, and implementing basic security measures.

  10. Linux Server Administration: Training might cover administering Linux servers, including setting up and managing web servers (e.g., Apache or Nginx), database servers (e.g., MySQL or PostgreSQL), and other server applications commonly used in a professional environment.


  • Maximum 3-4 students in a batch
  • Unlimited Practice session with WI FI facility and system
  • Regular, Fast Track, Weekend Training mode are available
  • Online Training Facility are available
  • 6+ years industry expert trainers will teach you
  • Live project on your desired topics or college topics
  • Training Certificate after course completion
  • Free Domain and Hosting on 6 Months summer training program